This website fully supports the West Yorkshire police and says the police should have the resources they need to effectively tackle crime and to make our streets safer.

However, in promoting the "Amber Alert" system, not only is McMillan-Scott entertaining the McCanns at the European Parliament, but he even had the nerve to inappropriately criticise the police over the Shannon Matthews case.

As it turned out, the MEP was talking out of his backside!
If he wants to show that he is fit for office, he should apologise to West Yorkshire police and give them the support they need.

The BBC reported:

Yorkshire MEP Edward McMillan-Scott has said police should have carried out more checks on Shannon's family.

He also said if police had used a missing child alert like those used in other countries, known as an amber alert, Shannon would have been found sooner.

A spokesman for West Yorkshire Police defended the force.

He said: "We would like to make it clear that UK Police Forces currently have available the Child Rescue Alert scheme.

"This is designed for use in potential child abductions where a vehicle or partial vehicle details are known.

"As such its use would have been wholly inappropriate in this case and the suggestion it could have somehow speeded up Shannon's recovery is totally inaccurate."